Friday, October 10, 2008

Our New Home!

It looks like all business in the pictures above as Sue Rudalevige and Shirley Martell sign the legal papers on behalf of the Board of Trustees, but be assured that a cheer of joy went up about 10:30 this morning as we left the office of the title company with keys in hand!

And now a new journey begins. We have not reached the promised land. We have not arrived at a final resting place. We are not moving backward to life the way it used to be. No, now a new journey begins -- and what an exciting journey it is! Here we are, members of the Site Team (minus a few who couldn't be with us this morning), after signing papers, standing outside our new space at 185 High Street, Unit 6.

Let this new facility be called...
a launching pad for mission and ministry
a house of hospitality and hope and healing
a neighborhood center
a place where children are always welcome
a testament to the prayer and discernment of a faithful remnant
a sanctuary for encountering God
a symbol of resurrection and new life
a classroom for out-of-the-box thinking
a safe place for exploring the way of Jesus
a home for open hearts, open minds, and open doors
a breeding ground for peace and justice
a shelter for the dispossessed
a living room for building community
a witness to the power of the Holy Spirit
Let it never be called a fortress, a club for insiders, an island disconnected from its neighbors, a museum celebrating the past, or a place where people go through the motions. The prophet Jeremiah conveys God's words of assurance to God's people: "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope" (Jer. 29:11). This purchase marks the beginning of a new chapter of ministry, and the future is filled with hope! In Christ's love, Allen & Sara

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